
{epr} provides Ethnic Power Relations data and associated analytical routines.


if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("remotes")


#> # A tibble: 4,255 x 11
#>     gwid statename      from    to group             groupid gwgroupid umbrella   size status        reg_aut
#>    <int> <chr>         <int> <int> <chr>               <int>     <int>    <int>  <dbl> <chr>         <lgl>  
#>  1     2 United States  1946  1965 Whites               1000    201000       NA 0.691  MONOPOLY      NA     
#>  2     2 United States  1946  1965 Latinos              2000    202000       NA 0.125  IRRELEVANT    NA     
#>  3     2 United States  1946  1965 African Americans    3000    203000       NA 0.124  DISCRIMINATED FALSE  
#>  4     2 United States  1946  1965 Asian Americans      4000    204000       NA 0.036  IRRELEVANT    NA     
#>  5     2 United States  1946  1965 American Indians     5000    205000       NA 0.0078 POWERLESS     TRUE   
#>  6     2 United States  1946  1965 Arab Americans       6000    206000       NA 0.0042 IRRELEVANT    NA     
#>  7     2 United States  1966  2008 Whites               1000    201000       NA 0.691  DOMINANT      NA     
#>  8     2 United States  1966  2008 Latinos              2000    202000       NA 0.125  POWERLESS     FALSE  
#>  9     2 United States  1966  2008 African Americans    3000    203000       NA 0.124  POWERLESS     FALSE  
#> 10     2 United States  1966  2008 Asian Americans      4000    204000       NA 0.036  POWERLESS     FALSE  
#> # … with 4,245 more rows
#> # A tibble: 7 x 3
#>   status        category    definition                                                                                                                
#>   <chr>         <chr>       <chr>                                                                                                                     
#> 1 MONOPOLY      rules_alone Elite members hold monopoly power in the executive to the exclusion of members of all other ethnic groups.                
#> 2 DOMINANCE     rules_alone Elite members of the group hold dominant power in the executive but there is some limited inclusion of “token” members of…
#> 3 SENIOR PARTN… shares_pow… Representatives of the group participate as senior partners in a formal or informal power-sharing arrangement. By power s…
#> 4 JUNIOR PARTN… shares_pow… Representatives participate as junior partners in government.                                                             
#> 5 POWERLESS     is_excluded Elite representatives hold no political power (or do not have influence on decision making) at the national level of exec…
#> 6 DISCRIMINATED is_excluded Group members are subjected to active, intentional, and targeted discrimination by the state, with the intent of excludin…
#> 7 SELF-EXCLUSI… is_excluded The special category of self-exclusion applies to groups that have excluded themselves from central state power, in the s…
options(datatable.print.trunc.cols = TRUE)

merge(, epr_status_codes_df,
      all.x = TRUE, by = "status")
#>               status gwid     statename from   to                   group groupid gwgroupid umbrella  size reg_aut    category
#>    1:  DISCRIMINATED    2 United States 1946 1965       African Americans    3000    203000       NA 0.124   FALSE is_excluded
#>    2:  DISCRIMINATED   20        Canada 1946 1960      Aboriginal peoples    4000   2004000       NA 0.020   FALSE is_excluded
#>    3:  DISCRIMINATED   70        Mexico 1946 1974 Other indigenous groups    3000   7003000       NA 0.142   FALSE is_excluded
#>    4:  DISCRIMINATED   70        Mexico 1946 1974            Afromexicans    9000   7009000       NA 0.050   FALSE is_excluded
#>    5:  DISCRIMINATED   70        Mexico 1946 1974                    Maya    2000   7002000       NA 0.007   FALSE is_excluded
#>   ---                                                                                                                         
#> 4251: STATE COLLAPSE  451  Sierra Leone 1998 2001                    Kono    2000  45102000       NA 0.040   FALSE        <NA>
#> 4252: STATE COLLAPSE  483          Chad 1979 1979     Muslim Sahel groups    2000  48302000       NA 0.270   FALSE        <NA>
#> 4253: STATE COLLAPSE  483          Chad 1979 1979                    Sara    4000  48304000       NA 0.240   FALSE        <NA>
#> 4254: STATE COLLAPSE  483          Chad 1979 1979                   Arabs    1000  48301000       NA 0.140   FALSE        <NA>
#> 4255: STATE COLLAPSE  483          Chad 1979 1979                  Toubou    6000  48306000       NA 0.040   FALSE        <NA>
#> 1 variable not shown: [definition]

epr_df %>%
#> # A tibble: 4,255 x 13
#>     gwid statename    from    to group     groupid gwgroupid umbrella   size status   reg_aut category definition                                     
#>    <int> <chr>       <int> <int> <chr>       <int>     <int>    <int>  <dbl> <chr>    <lgl>   <chr>    <chr>                                          
#>  1     2 United Sta…  1946  1965 Whites       1000    201000       NA 0.691  MONOPOLY NA      rules_a… Elite members hold monopoly power in the execu…
#>  2     2 United Sta…  1946  1965 Latinos      2000    202000       NA 0.125  IRRELEV… NA      <NA>     <NA>                                           
#>  3     2 United Sta…  1946  1965 African …    3000    203000       NA 0.124  DISCRIM… FALSE   is_excl… Group members are subjected to active, intenti…
#>  4     2 United Sta…  1946  1965 Asian Am…    4000    204000       NA 0.036  IRRELEV… NA      <NA>     <NA>                                           
#>  5     2 United Sta…  1946  1965 American…    5000    205000       NA 0.0078 POWERLE… TRUE    is_excl… Elite representatives hold no political power …
#>  6     2 United Sta…  1946  1965 Arab Ame…    6000    206000       NA 0.0042 IRRELEV… NA      <NA>     <NA>                                           
#>  7     2 United Sta…  1966  2008 Whites       1000    201000       NA 0.691  DOMINANT NA      <NA>     <NA>                                           
#>  8     2 United Sta…  1966  2008 Latinos      2000    202000       NA 0.125  POWERLE… FALSE   is_excl… Elite representatives hold no political power …
#>  9     2 United Sta…  1966  2008 African …    3000    203000       NA 0.124  POWERLE… FALSE   is_excl… Elite representatives hold no political power …
#> 10     2 United Sta…  1966  2008 Asian Am…    4000    204000       NA 0.036  POWERLE… FALSE   is_excl… Elite representatives hold no political power …
#> # … with 4,245 more rows